The Cinema Museum, London

We fell through the funding gaps: Help us survive COVID

October 2020 · Campaign · Featured Article

Please help us survive COVID. We remain closed to the public because we did not even qualify for any of government COVID-emergency funding for arts and culture – we understand rules and we are not complaining, but we do intend surviving this pernicious virus – and that means we need your help. We want to reopen ASAP, but with all our income streams cut at no notice we need funding to get all the H&S in place and subsidise our artists and production campaniles to return. We’ve all heard of those organisations who ‘fell between the funding gaps’ – well, that’s us folks. We need to raise over £60,000 to pay our bills and ensure we still have a home to welcome you back to when COVID departs – please donate, help us hold onto our home – we have just a few days to raise the money – we can do it together – let’s go everyone !!

Click on this link and donate – leave a comment and share the link with your friends and colleagues –

Thank you so much – from us all.