The Cinema Museum, London

The Nickel presents The Conversation (1974) on 16mm

Sat 29 Mar 2025 @ 19:30 · Events

The ConversationIn tribute to the late great Gene Hackman, The Nickel presents a screening of The Conversation on 16mm film, paired with an intro by Dominic Hicks.

God’s surveillance is everywhere: this is the thought that weighs heavily on bugging expert Harry Caul in Francis Ford Coppola’s eerie 1974 classic, the high-water mark of paranoid cinema.

The Conversation contains an unforgettable performance from Gene Hackman as Caul: in his glasses and moustache, drab suit, white shirt and tie with clear plastic mac worn indoors, it is a classic and poignant “American everyman” portrayal. Hackman endows him with a toughly depressive, martyred integrity.

The Nickel will include a pre-reel of Hackman related clips and trailers before the film.

Doors open at 18.30, for a 19.30 start. Refreshments will be available in our licensed cafe/bar.


Tickets £10.

Advance tickets may be purchased from Ticketlab, or direct from the Museum by calling 020 7840 2200 in office hours.
The Conversation