The Cinema Museum, London

French Sundaes: Trois hommes et un couffin (1985) on 35mm

Sun 5 Oct 2025 @ 14:00 · Events

Trois hommes et un couffinTrois hommes et un couffin is a 1985 French comedy film by Coline Serreau. The film was remade in Hollywood as Three Men and a Baby in 1987, which subsequently inspired nine adaptations in seven languages.

Something fun to end the season. Coline Serreau showed a mastery of the intelligent comedy and this film, though imitated, has not been bettered despite remakes in many languages. A chance to see a film that deserves new audiences for its clever plot and excellent performances.

This is screening from a Cinema Museum 35mm print, for the authentic cinema experience.

Each film is accompanied by an introductory illustrated talk by Jon Davies, Tutor in French Cinema at Morley College.

Doors open at 13.00, for a 14.00 start.

Refreshments will be available in our licensed cafe/bar.


Tickets £8 in advance or on the door.

Advance tickets may be purchased from Ticketlab, or direct from the Museum by calling 020 7840 2200 in office hours.

Trois hommes et un couffin