Commissioned by BBC4, Tony Palmer’s documentary features Morley’s chamber choir and explores some of the lesser known aspects of Holst’s fascinating story, including not only his time as the College’s Director of Music but also his association with the radical “red priest” of Thaxted.
The film screening will be followed by a Q&A with the film-maker, whose long and distinguished career has been recognised by numerous BAFTA and Emmy Awards for films spanning early documentaries on The Beatles, Cream and Jimi Hendrix, to profiles of Maria Callas, Margot Fonteyn, Stravinsky, Wagner, Yehudi Menuhin, Britten, Vaughan Williams, and many others. The film will be preceded by a performance of Holst’s Four Songs for Soprano and Violin, by violin tutor Ana Ivanova and Morley Opera School soprano Ingunn Hrafnkelsdottir.
The evening is part of “Planets”, Morley College London’s Festival of Arts and Culture, marking the centenary of the first performance of Holst’s famous orchestral work. For details of other events in the Festival, please visit
Doors open at 18.00, for a 18.30 start.
Refreshments will be available in our licensed cafe/bar.
Tickets £10/£7 available from the Morley College website or from Eventbrite. Tickets on the door will be subject to availability so do book in advance.