Join Roz Kaveney and friends for an experimental broadcast on London’s arts radio station, Resonance FM: a ‘live’ recording of the DVD commentary for The Magic Christian (1969).
With streaming online services becoming the way that most of us watch films, DVD commentaries are becoming, if not a thing of the past, then certainly increasingly rare. That means there are thousands of movies – some obscure, some not so obscure – which won’t benefit from having people talking, gossiping, showing off and occasionally making salient cultural observations over the top of them. That’s where ‘Music for Films: Box Set’ comes in. Resonance FM’s flagship show of tangential and digressive conversation (often about film music) plans to make DVD commentaries for every single one of them, starting with The Magic Christian.
Starring Peter Sellars and Ringo Starr, it was partly scripted by Terry ‘Easy Rider’ Southern from his comic novel, with Pythons Graham Chapman and John Cleese also having a hand in the screenplay (Cleese makes a cameo as a snidely smooth auctioneer). It’s a film depicting the other side of the swinging Sixties, not the love and peace version but the one where people all wanted to get filthy rich and screw the other fellow, damnit. The Magic Christian is old fashioned in some of its attitudes yet oddly prescient of modern, hypercapitalist London.
Be part of our ‘Box Set’ by watching the film and commenting along with us.
(When we’ve run the film once, we’ll show it again without people talking. This is a special service for people who actually want to see the film).
A Scalarama event.
Doors open at 19.00, for a 19.30 start.
Refreshments will be available in our licensed cafe/bar.
Advance tickets £5 (£4 concession).
Advance tickets may be purchased from Eventbrite, or direct from the Museum by calling 020 7840 2200 in office hours.