The Cinema Museum, London

The Fred Karno Company Centenary Celebrations

Sat 29 Sep 2012 @ 13:15 - 17.30 · Events

Fred Karno

“A. J.” Marriot presents an illustrated talk on the music hall artistes, including Chaplin and Laurel, who 100 years ago sailed to the US with comedian and impresario Fred Karno.


The presentation will include clips from some of the many silent films which had a Karno influence, and there will also be a Q&A with descendants of the Karno Companies who sailed to America in 1910 and 1912.

Doors open at 13.15 for a 13.40 start.

Refreshments will be available.

Tickets & Pricing

£7.50/£5 under 16s; to book contact / 01462 440009